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Patient Transport and the three Rs

Patient Transport Similar to our NHS counterparts, but as a private patient transport provider, we offer a variety of services and provisions. Therefore, we adhere to the same regulations and pride ourselves on our extremely high standards. Responsive When you call, we'll be here to help. Our control centre is operational 24hrs a day, 365 days a year. No, we don't take holidays! So, even if it's Christmas Day or Boxing Day, if you call, someone will be able to assist you.  Just like every other part of the healthcare industry doesn't close, neither do patient transport services.

Training is important! - RSG

There is a reason why, here at Response Service Group, we are so focussed on training. We strive to always deliver an excellent service and to take urgent measures if we fall short of this. We pride ourselves on our high standards and our commitment to improvement. However, we also accept that to progress, we must always keep learning. So the learning never ever stops! Why is training important? We train our staff to a very high standard, and we are very proud of this. By training our staff, it gives us an opportunity to evaluate the abilities and skills of our team.

What is an independent ambulance service?

Welcome to the second blog post on our new website! And, as this is only the second post, we think it is a good idea to answer some questions about what we do. So here is all you need to know about our independent ambulance service and how we can help! Who are we? Response Services Group UK, is an independent ambulance service offering a vast range of patient transport services.

Welcome to the first blog post on our brand new website! - (RSG)

Following a few months of planning, researching and creative thinking, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our brand new website. We hope you like it!

The new website has a completely different design. So we really hope it looks as good to you as it does to us! We wanted our website to be really easy to navigate across all platforms, including desktop, tablet and mobile.

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